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The new Takikando Tourist Center "Orai Takikando" will open on April 27, 2024!

Relax while being surrounded by the scent and warmth of wood at the tourist center.
The facility including the ticket office as well as a restaurant and
a tourist information center is right outside of the cave.

1st floor_Reception/ Ticket Office

Please purchase your entrance ticket from the ticket vending machine. Our staff is always here so if you need any assistance, please let us know.

1st floor_Information /Souvenir shop

You can purchase local specialties and souvenirs here. We also provide information on nearby tourist facilities.

2nd floor restaurant

We offer a menu using local specialties, including our new specialty "Waterfall Curry." The facility can also be used as a rest area.

2nd floor Soba Terrace

Rokando's famous "Taki Nagashi Soba'' is perfect on a hot day as you have to catch soba noodles flowing down a long tube with running natural water.

2nd floor_kids’ space

Fully stocked with picture books as well as wooden toys crafted by lumber from Sumita. A great place to relax with your children.